Shelf Stable Recipes

Shelf Stable Recipes

 Shelf Stable Recipes

Graphic: betterworldbooks

First it is important to know what ‘shelf stable’ means. We have here the definition from Oxford Dictionaries

able to survive long periods on store or home shelves without spoiling:
Many of the items that homesteaders and preppers stock up on are shelf stable foods. However, now that you have them, do you know how to use them? For instance, I have used dried cottage cheese in a lasagna recipe, and it worked just fine with my family not even noticing the difference. But when used in a recipe where the cottage cheese isn’t combined with other cheeses it was more than noticeable, it was terrible!
Knowing when and how to use these shelf stable foods will make a huge difference in what you choose to store and what you end up eating in a post SHTF world. The good folks over at Food and Storage Made Easy have gathered recipes from their own experience and that of their readers to help us all eat better when using shelf stable foods.

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