Simple Steps For a Backyard Garden

Simple Steps For a Backyard Garden

Simple Steps For a Backyard Garden

Photo by Old World Farms

Not everyone needs, can afford, or can physically maintain a large garden. Some of us simply don’t  have the space, the time, the money or the physical ability to care for an acre of garden. But if you make the best use of what you do have, what you can afford and what you are able to do, you can end up with the perfect sized garden right in your own backyard without huge amounts of effort.

I love the idea of growing everything myself and making everything I can at home. But in the last few years age and health have taken their toll on me! I am also becoming an empty nester and simply don’t need the quantities that I did before. Not wanting to give it up altogether I am learning to where to cut back and how to still provide myself with the fresh produce I love without straining my back to do it.

The following link gives four easy steps toward creating your own backyard garden tailored to you.

4 Steps To Create A Simple Backyard Garden Without Breaking Your Back or Wallet!


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