The Very Best Backup Plan

The Very Best Backup Plan

The Very Best Backup Plan

Graphic : gilyehudacom

We talk a lot about having a plan and a backup plan. Often our plan B is to have a duplicates of the gear and necessities to carry out our plan A. However, what really truly is our best back up plan for any situation whether it be in “normal” times or in crisis is our own skills and knowledge. These are things that can’t be left behind, can’t be washed or blown away in a storm, or stolen by looters. You can pass them on to other members of your group or family and it will serve them better than any piece of equipment ever could.

Skill and knowledge combined with a good attitude is in my opinion the key to surviving any scenario and to developing the self reliance and independence we seek. To see how Preparing for SHTF advises you use your skill and knowledge in a survival situation continue at the link below

Skill and Knowledge is the Best Backup Plan

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