Skinning and Cooking Rattle Snakes

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Skinning and Cooking Rattle Snakes

 Skinning and Cooking Rattle Snakes

Photo: pkhawk_blogspot_com

Like most humans. I don’t care much for snakes. I will never ever understand why someone would choose to have one as a pet! However, I do appreciate the beauty of their skins and in an urgent situation, if I was hungry enough, I would indeed be quite willing to eat them. I am told they are actually very tasty and once the head is removed no longer poisonous to humans. The head however does remain poison, so it should be treated with care and properly disposed of.

Especially if you live in a desert climate rattle snakes could be plentiful for hunting in a SHTF scenario. I don’t believe in waste of any kind but particularly when it involves killing any living creature, even a snake! So if you are going to eat rattle snake whether by choice or necessity please use the skin as well. It could be used for a number of things in a crisis scenario. For instructions on disposing of the head, skinning and preparing the snake for eating continue at the link below

How To Skin A Rattlesnake & Prepare It To Be Eaten

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