Sneaky Prepper Gifts for Non-Preppers

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Sneaky Prepper Gifts for Non-Preppers

 Sneaky Prepper Gifts for Non-Preppers

Photo graphic: prephappy

Whether you celebrate the seasonal holidays or not at some time or another you are likely to have a reason to purchase or make a gift for someone who isn’t prepping. This is the perfect time to sneak in a preparedness item.

Especially if during the last big storm he or she borrowed equipment from you to make it through. Even easier for your recipient to appreciate the gift if they had to come to your place because they weren’t prepared for whatever befell them. Everyone has experienced a power outage or two in their lives! How they handled it can help you decide what clever gifts they really need and don’t realize they do!

Check out the sneaky prepper gifts suggested in the featured article linked below

12 Super-Sneaky Prepper Gifts for Non-Preppers

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