Space Saving Furniture Makes 1 Room Into 2 or 3

Space Saving Furniture Makes 1 Room Into 2 or 3

Space Saving Furniture Makes 1 Room Into 2 or 3

Photo from Fair companies

Most of us live in average sized homes or apartments. With the price of real estate these days downsizing is often the only way to own property anymore.

Those building or creating a bug out location know it is especially difficult to create a safe space in a small area and doing so in a larger space would be even harder to defend during times of strife and afford now before a crisis event.

Lots and Lots of folks are choosing to live smaller with less responsibility and more true freedom to chase dreams. We don’t all need a big space to live comfortably but we all do need some basic comforts to make that small space a home!

The video below gives a lot of great ideas for storage and living comfortably in a small place and could be a really helpful in giving ideas for bunkers, cabins, or small homes with space saving furnishings that double or even in some cases triple in their function.



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