Stages Preppers go Through

Stages Preppers go Through

 Stages Preppers go Through

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Everything in life goes through cycles. Actually, life itself is a cycle that we humans are always seeking to lengthen. No one wants to be unhealthy or die. We even fight the process topically by using anti-aging products and products that will at least give us the appearance of health and youth. If we acknowledge the most important cycle of all to us, our own lives. Then the majority of us should be and are concerned with insuring that cycle be as high a quality as possible. In this process of doing that and of accepting that the length of our own live cycle is very dependent upon our own actions and within our own realm of responsibility We have come to the conclusion that preparing ourselves and our communities for disaster or whatever personal or worldwide SHTF event occurs. But even that process has its own stages with defined steps. See what they are and where you might fall in the cycle of preparedness at the featured link below

** While checking this link I found an ad that covers part of the text on the right side of the page. (grrr) But you can close this ad at a small tab on the top. It’s hard to see but it’s there!

The 5 Stages New Preppers Go Through

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