Stockpiling Can Be Deemed Illegal

Stockpiling Can Be Deemed Illegal

 Stockpiling Can Be Deemed Illegal

Graphic: deadlyclear

(3 links)

We hear bits and pieces about the possibility of official confiscation of our supplies. Many people consider hoarding and prepping as the same thing! There are two very very different cultures and done for very different reasons.

 Stockpiling Can Be Deemed Illegal

Photo graphic: busybhomemaker

Prepping is a responsible life choice to ensure your quality of life in a crisis scenario. Stockpiling some supplies is only a part of that insurance. Hoarding is a symptom of a mental disorder which expresses the fear of loss of anything including garbage or a way to build a wall of stuff to protect yourself emotionally and is not a sustainable function of preparing. Prepping’s long-term purpose is to become self-sufficient and not need outside help in supporting oneself. While the hoarder needs to bring more in from the outside to continue to find the emotional comfort they feel gained by the hoarding.

However, in the eyes of the law, a stockpile is seen as a non-health hazard form of hoarding. If you are deemed a “hoarder” during a time of crisis, everything you have worked for and saved to insure you and your family’s quality of life can be confiscated and redistributed against your will, without notice, and without due process.

The answer to preserving your right to provide for yourself and your family isn’t an issue that should be left sitting on the back burner for dealing with when it happens. When it happens, it is too late. Nor will OPSEC the answer when it comes to official confiscation. Keeping your stockpile from being common knowledge in your community is helpful when it comes to those you know or who know of you via word of mouth. It is your only pre-defense for the looting of private residences during times of lawlessness. But when it comes to official confiscation, your reputation is only a prelude. Everyone will be scrutinized under an official microscope and none of us are far enough off the grid to avoid suspicion. It will be a house by house, person by person search and seizure. In time, all the hiding tricks will be exposed and hiding what you have will only make those in charge more determined to leave you with less. The time to prepare and if possible, stop legal confiscation is now. By changing the laws now prior to the crisis. Making it more difficult to invade your privacy and removing your supplies than simply just declaring an emergency and legally taking it.

It’s not about a political party or the left or the right sides of the isles in the house or senate. It’s about changing the laws now and a regaining of a right that we once had. How it got the way it is… isn’t the discussion nor is laying blame. Fixing the issue or learning to avoid it if possible is!

Code Green Prep has created a 3-part series of articles explaining these confiscation laws and how they can directly affect you. Find all three linked below

Preppers Beware : Our “Hoarding” Can Be Deemed Illegal

The Present Legal Support for Seizing our Food and other Supplies

Another Way the Government Can Take Anything From You Without Due Process


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