Stop Shopping and MIY Items

Stop Shopping and MIY Items

Stop Shopping and MIY Items

Photo graphic: imobavatarcom

I know I have removed more than 5 items from my own shopping list by MIY (make it yourself). If you make it yourself, I am sure you have too! But if you’re new to the MIY process, then these might be the first 5 items you too could scratch off your shopping list.

I always personally recommend that you learn how to make just about everything your family uses yourself. You don’t have to continue making it, if the process is too time consuming, if the results aren’t as good as what you already use store bought, if it is more expensive to MIY than to purchase, or if you just plain don’t want to! But knowing what an advantage will be if a day comes when there isn’t a store to take your shopping list to.

I have found there are products that I prefer my homemade version of more than store bought. There are also items that are much less expensive to make myself and some that just don’t cut it compared to those I purchase. But that is ok, I have saved enough by making many home products and foods that those that I choose to purchase rather than MIY don’t sting my pocketbook.

Learn how to get started with or add to your current MIY products with the 5 shown in the article below. If you have MIY products that you think others might get on board with… drop us a line on our Facebook page and we would love to try and share them!

Stop Buying and Start Making These 5 Things


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