Survive a Lightning Strike

Survive a Lightning Strike

 Survive a Lightning Strike


Lightning strikes of humans are much more common than you would think.

I personally witnessed a woman who was struck not once but twice. It looked like a ball of light came from out of nowhere hitting her in the shoulder and knocking her down. She rose from the ground as confused by what had happened as I was! As she stood and turned to return to her home, she was once again hit by another ball of light in the back of the opposite shoulder and again was knocked to the ground. Even across the street from her at the time I could feel the electricity in the air and my own hair seemed to rise with static. When she rose again for the third time I (a young teen at the time) just stood there staring stunned and confused.  She did survive, with no long-term ill effects! She had burns to the front of one shoulder and the back of the other but didn’t require grafts for the burns. Now as an adult I realize just how lucky she was.

To increase your chances of survival should you ever find yourself in that situation take a look at the tips in the featured article below

How to Survive a Lightning Strike


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