Survive Terror Attacks

Survive Terror Attacks

Survive Terror Attacks

Photos:,,, globalsecurity,,,,,,,

The world is more aware than ever before of just how fragile our peace and our lives are. Most attacks are not a designated war zone. But at this time in history, the entire world is indeed a war zone. There will always be those extremists on both sides of the coin. Unfortunately, they have declared war on civilians and innocents. No place, country, political affiliation, religion or nation of peoples are immune to this terror.

There will be the nay-sayers who insist articles like the one featured below are a momentary response to the horror and an attempt to fear monger non-preppers into joining the ranks of the prepared. I call Bull**** on that. No amount of pushing or prodding will cause someone who truly believes it can’t happen in their community to prepare. It is the knowledge that this is indeed a worldwide crisis that causes us to prepare for the worst while hoping beyond hope for the best.

I was actually touched by all the photos from different places that came up when I popped terror attacks into my search engine. I know about them all, I watch the news like everyone else. But seeing them all in one place and realizing it has happened over and over again was sobering. If you like me are re-shocked with each new attack, then the featured article can be of use to you. Understanding it isn’t always the other guy and someday the other guy might be you is important to the safety of you and those you love. Keep your eyes open, be aware of everything around you. But don’t give into the fear mongers and quit living your life to its fullest. Just do it aware! Ignoring what has happened doesn’t stop it, awareness can.

Years after this article was first published it is as true now as it was then…..

How to Survive a Terrorist Attack

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