Surviving a Tornado in Your Vehicle

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Surviving a Tornado in Your Vehicle

Surviving a Tornado in Your Vehicle

Photo: ixqqfinalfantasydeviantartcom

I have always been fortunate enough to have been safely in my home and well prepared when a tornado stuck my location. However, think about it…. How much time a day do you actually spend not just away from home but in your vehicle whether it be part of your job or the commute to and from home?

Even if you don’t live in an area known for twisters, they don’t always stick to their “designated areas” when they decide to wreak havoc. Many of us take road trips for our vacations and this can leave you either in an area that is prone to tornados that you aren’t used to or in your vehicle just passing through when Mother Nature decides to send some extra excitement your way.

Knowing what to do in any tornado is important lifesaving information, but knowing what to do if in your vehicle when it strikes is imperative to your survival. For your own peace of mind and the safety of you and any passengers continue at the link below so you do know what is safest in this kind of scenario you may be surprised to learn that old beliefs are not always the right methods!

The featured link is a few years old and written right after a deadly tornado, but it is still as relevant today as it was the day after…. wouldn’t you rather know now before, rather than any time after?

In your car when a tornado strikes? Here’s what to do

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