Survival uses for Leaves

Survival uses for Leaves

Survival uses for Leaves

Photo: sherryhillblogspot

When in a survival situation everything around you if you are creative can become a survival tool. Even the leaves right off the trees and plants around you.

In the Polynesian Islands cooking with leaves is a very common practice. Spinach and Taro are the most commonly used and serve both as edible cookware and dinnerware. But all those greens around you have even more uses than cooking when it comes to survival. They can become anything from the roofing to rope. Take a look at all the neat hacks that Creek over at Willow Haven has come up with for using them in a survival situation.

12 Survival Hacks Using Just Leaves

One of the more common leaves in the USA is the cattail. Which can be used for just about anything (including eating)  but that is a whole other post! in this case see how to prepare them for other uses. Even though as Creek says they can be used just as they are… as they are abundant preparing them prior to using can easily be done.

How-to Process Cattail Leaves

If you are interested in actually eating the leaves check out this previous post from this site!

Fried Tempura Battered Japanese Maple Leaves


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