Taking Your Home Back From SHTF Squatters

Taking Your Home Back From SHTF Squatters

Photo: KOMO News

Either you have finally made it home after a disaster or you have returned now that it appears safe to do so after a SHTF event. You are tired, almost out or actually out of supplies and so ready to be home in your own bed once again. Your supplies have been carefully prepared and stockpiled, your garden was ready to go, and your refillable supplies are all stored here.

Unfortunately, however long you were away, whether it was just a few days, weeks or even months someone else or worse yet a group has taken over your home and are claiming it as their own. Because of the laws during normal times this would be an arduous situation to rectify in the best of times. Homeowners find themselves in court for months trying to reclaim their property from non-paying renters or squatters. But in a time of lawlessness? What do you do?

Our Friends at Preparing for SHTF have put together some recourses you may find necessary to boot these unprepared squatters off your prepared property. They are intended for a time when calling the police, going to court, and suing are not options anymore. Check them out and particularly if your plan A is to bug out get yourself prepared to run into this problem upon your return.

What Happens If Someone Takes Over Your Home Once the SHTF?


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