Does Prepping Make You a Target Post SHTF?

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Does Prepping Make You a Target Post SHTF?

By Whom? Tips for Prevention

Does Prepping Make You a Target Post SHTF?

Photo: zillow

Most of us know about OPESC and don’t announce our preparations to the world in general. But does any amount of preparation make you a target after a SHTF event and if you have been careful, then by whom? Now I know several keyboard John Waynes whose immediate answer will be “shoot em”.

First that may not be an option and second wouldn’t it be wiser to be a bit more covert and avoid it all together if you can? I know I will have enough worries post event and don’t want to add this one. Nor do I want to deal with killing or maiming anyone unless I have to in protection of myself or family. We will already be sleeping with our ears open, if we can prevent having to keep an eye open too because we don’t trust our look out or another member of the group or neighbors, strangers etc..

I tend to assume that those that mean to take what I have worked hard for to be strangers and marauders and they are a legit concern, but this is more about those that you don’t necessarily expect trouble from. To learn more about who and what to do continue at the featured link below

 Speculations On Civil Unrest And How To Protect Your Survival Preps

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