Tending your compost during the winter months

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Tending your compost during the winter months

Tending your compost during the winter months

photo: sustainablegardeningnews.com

Winter months unless you have a greenhouse aren’t known for being wonderful months for gardening. But one thing that we can do for our gardens during the winter is plan for them and care for our compost.

My family continues to collect compost material even during non-gardening seasons. I can’t bear the idea of anything going to waste even if it is just compost! This is the nutrient enrichment beginnings of my spring garden!

Protect and care for your own compost during the cold, snowy and wet seasons with the tips provided by Home Guides linked below

10 Tips for Winter Composting

Click image to see product details


Hate running in and out even in the best of weather to empty scraps into the compost?
This neat little kitchen bucket eliminates the need to dump daily and prevents odors as well. Check it out by clicking the image.



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