The Post-Collapse Trading Post

The Post-Collapse Trading Post

The Post-Collapse Trading Post

Photo: stjosephpost

My goodness has my thinking been out of wack on this subject! I am embarrassed to admit I had not considered an actual trading post if there is a full-blown long term SHTF event. My thoughts on trading were among my community and those passing through, I have what you need, you have what I need, and we swap in a neutral place. I carefully guard my new treasure and insure I am not robbed of it or followed back to my camp and it’s all good.

But if this event is serious enough eventually, we will run out of what we have to trade among ourselves and need to go outside the community in search of it. There will always be those that are commerce minded and of course they will eventually set up a location for trading services and goods. It won’t be the guy down the street with toilet paper in hand looking for a few onions or a cup of sugar! These places will be a gathering spot for all the worst and hopefully some of the best survivors out there and we should indeed think about the fact that if the crisis continues long enough eventually, we will have to deal with one of them.

For information regarding what we might expect and should think about now before any huge event continue at the link below

Post-Collapse Trading Posts – Start Thinking About Them Now

Many thanks to Jen B for bringing this article to us!


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