Thin Ice Ahead! Rescuing Someone Who Has Fallen Through Ice

Thin Ice Ahead! Rescuing Someone Who Has Fallen Through Ice

Thin Ice Ahead! Rescuing Someone Who Has Fallen Through Ice


Even if you don’t currently reside in a region that freezes during winter months, knowing how to rescue someone who has gone through the ice is preparation worth looking at. The weather is shifting across the world and areas that haven’t seen snow and ice for years have in recent years experienced almost northern winters. There is also the possibility that you may have to leave the area you are in and move to a colder region pushed out of your current location by a SHTF event manmade or natural.

Rescuing someone who has gone through the ice is a dangerous undertaking. It needs to be done quickly before the victim is pulled under the ice and becomes unreachable and before too much damage may be done to their bodies from the extreme cold. But the ice is still a danger to you especially in the area of the break which has left the ice even more unstable and unsafe for you. See the method advised by Emergency Prep World at the featured link below

Thin Ice Ahead! How To Rescue Someone Who Has Fallen Through Ice

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