Tiny Mobile Shelters Built from Garbage!

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Tiny Mobile Shelters Built from Garbage!

Tiny Mobile Shelters Built from Garbage!

Photos: Gregory-Kloehn

I have seen people turn garbage into some cool stuff. But this is absolute Brilliance. Oakland artist builds tiny mobile homes for the homeless from things he finds in trash heaps and dumpsters.

These tiny little homes could give you an idea or two for bug out or camping shelters. Light enough to pull with you or put behind a bike. Never mind the obvious benefit for recycling, reusing, renewing, and shelters for those that have none.

To see the tiny shelters and read Gregory Kloehn’s story click the titled link below:

Tiny mobile shelters built from garbage


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Gregory Kloehn goes dumpster diving, but not for the reason that most people would think. He isn’t homeless. In fact, he is an artist from Oakland that is trying to help the homeless and develop his craft at the same time.
Read more at http://www.realfarmacy.com/incredible-upcycle/#Bo83VAE4DWIvdvdc.99