Tips For Surviving Journeys in the Wild

Tips For Surviving Journeys in the Wild

 Tips For Surviving Journeys in the Wild

Photo: staytondailyphoto_com

The featured article comes from the viewpoint that you have somehow been stranded in the wilderness. By a crisis while hiking or camping or even more serious you have survived a plane crash. If you think those instances are rare, I recall a small plane crashing into a field just outside of the little northern town I grew up in when I was a child. Injured survivors walked a long distance to what they thought was the closest help available…. they were actually less than a mile from help on two sides and simply chose the wrong direction to try and hike out of. If it can happen in that tiny town, it can happen anywhere!

Most of us have concerns about the act of surviving the immediate crisis and this takes us a step beyond that point. Which in all honestly isn’t something many of us think beyond. I have always taken steps to help ensure that if at all possible while traveling that I could survive a crash. Wearing long durable pants, shoes suitable to climbing out over debris, and even insuring I always know how many seats are between myself and the emergency exit. But had not taken my thinking beyond that point to the what if’s involved with the where the crash happened. You could indeed find yourself on a survival journey through the wild. This article does just that…. see it at the link below

15 Tips For Surviving Journeys Through The Wild

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