Tips for Surviving A Home Invasion

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Tips for Surviving A Home Invasion

Tips for Surviving A Home Invasion

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It used to be that the issue of home security other than a lock on the front door were the concerns of only the wealthy or those that live a lifestyle that could bring dangerous strangers to the doorstep. Now days that is not the case.

Home invasions are more common than we would like to think and more random than we would ever have dreamed. You don’t have to be wealthy or involved with any particular activity to be at risk. Nothing is scarier than a random act of violence because it is the hardest to defend and protect ourselves from. It is so much easier to cope with the idea that victims were chosen for some specific reason and because of that we are safe because we don’t fit into that victimology and if we did, we would know it and could take steps to prevent a tragedy.

However, knowing that the risk is there no matter who you are or where you are is a warning and does give you some time to take some home defensive steps better protecting our homes which should be our safe havens. Don’t assume because you live in a good neighborhood or are average everyday people that you can’t be a target!

Take action now to ensure your haven remains safe. Learn what can save you and what could make matters worse. For tips on how to do that see the featured article below.

How to Survive a Violent Home Invasion


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