Tips to Shelter in Place

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Tips to Shelter in Place

Tips to Shelter in Place

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Even if you live in the boondocks these tips are really something you should know about. There is no guarantee that disaster will strike while you are at home. You could be off to the city for the day and find yourself suddenly in trouble in an urban setting quite easily. We did an informal poll on our Facebook page and learned that the majority plan to shelter in place for a variety of reasons . Unless you can avoid the disaster by making a run for it to the hills or woods, then staying put only makes sense especially if you are an urban dweller. That is your territory and the place you know best, if you don’t like wandering around in the woods now, you certainly aren’t going to suddenly be a bushcraft master just because of the disaster. Rather than being a fish out of water during an event learn how to survive within your home environment. See tips that will help you shelter in place.

30 Tips For Sheltering In Place


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