Tips For Using Irish Spring to Deter Garden Pests

Tips For Using Irish Spring to Deter Garden Pests

Tips For Using Irish Spring to Deter Garden Pests

Photo: AngelaBrownDIYEverywhere

You can keep your plants and veggies safe from the friendly herbivores without expensive chemicals or dangerous traps by using something you may already have on hand: Irish Spring Soap!

I do enjoy sitting on my deck early on a Sunday morning with my cup of tea watching the deer in the field behind my home wandering around especially when they have the fawns with them. It’s like a picture out of a story book. Same with rabbits when they have kits! Watching the kits stumble along as they become more adapt at movement is cute and funny at the same time. What isn’t funny or cute is when I see the damage these lovely creatures have done to my garden!

I won’t use chemicals on the foods my family will be eating. Nor do I wish to do permanent harm to the critters. However, I do want them to stay out of my garden! Fencing has dissuaded the deer but has done nothing to control the rabbits and as we know, rabbits breed at an excelled rate so there can be what feels like dozens at  a time munching on my greens! The cats tend to keep the mouse population from the neighboring fields at bay but they seem to actually like the rabbits! My cat will sit calmly by and watch them eat as fascinated with them as I am when I can view them out of my garden! Although the dog really is irritated by the deer he too seems ok with the rabbits in his territory. Who knows maybe it is the cuteness factor!

No matter what it is. I have found that the tips found in the featured article from DIYeverywhere about using Irish spring soap to deter them seems to work. Give them a try yourself after seeing the link below

 Tips For Using Irish Spring to Deter Garden Pests

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