Traveling Through Hostile Environments

Traveling Through Hostile Environments

Traveling Through Hostile Environments

Photo: tundragroupca

Whether you plan to bug in or out travel in hostile territory is going to be a factor.

If you bug in you maybe able to avoid the worst of it as others are attempting to get out right then too. But you will have to eventually venture out to scavenge, obtain water, or other supplies. Even just to perhaps search for other family or friends who didn’t make it to your location.

If you are bugging out and waited a bit too long. You too could run into a chaos of others trying to escape as well as whatever caused you to bug out in the first place. As well as the need to eventually as with those that bugged in, the need to scavenge.

Knowing what to expect and how to handle it has got to be a part of any good plan bug in or out. Prepper‘s Will gives us an idea of what to expect and how they suggest you may want to handle it. See their blog at the link below

How to travel through hostile environments

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