Use The Cob! (Corn Cob Wine and Jelly Recipes)

Use The Cob! (Corn Cob Wine and Jelly Recipes)

The Cob! (Corn Cob Wine and Jelly Recipes)

Photos: pun-pk_all_biz, earthboundtrading, & learntopreserve_comUse

I wish I had come across these recipes sooner! Corn on the cob is one of the traditions in my household for thanksgiving and I had a huge bundle for my recycle bin this year. Truth be told corn on the cob is a favorite of mine year round so finding a use for the cobs outside the compost value is awesome. If you are canning corn what an great way to completely use your corn harvest. I am eager to try these and hope you will too!

Corn Cob Wine


1 dozen raw corn cobs
1 gallon boiling water
2 pkgs yeast
9 cups of sugar

Instructions: 1. Place cobs in a container and pour boiling water over them.

2. Cover loosely with cheesecloth or a dish towel and let stand for 24 hours.

3. Remove the cobs and add the yeast and sugar.

4. Cover loosely again and let stand for 9 days.

5. Strain through cheesecloth, cover loosely, and store in a moderately cool place until it is fermented, which may take as long as 10 weeks.

6. Bottle and enjoy!

Source: Homemade


Corn Cob Jelly


12 large corn cobs
4 cups water
1 packet powdered fruit pectin (of 4 tsp of dry if you bought in bulk like I did)
4 cups sugar
4-6 drops yellow food coloring


Cut the corn off of the cob.  In stock pot place broken corn cobs with water.  Bring to boil.  Boil for 10-15 minutes.  Discard cobs, strain liquid through cheese cloth.  Liquid should measure 3 cups.  Add water if necessary.

Return to kettle, stir in pectin.  Bring to full rolling boil then add sugar.  Bring back to a boil.  Skim foam and add a few drops of food coloring.  Pour in hot jars leaving 1/4 inch head space. Process in boiling water canner for 10 minutes.

Source: Joyfully Frugal

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