Uses for Baking Soda Preppers Should Know

Uses for Baking Soda Preppers Should Know

 Uses for Baking Soda Preppers Should Know

photo: bestrecipeforskinblog

Preppers and homesteaders are well known for their ability to creatively solve almost any problem with what they have on hand. We adore multi use items and baking soda is one of those items! Our friends at Preparing for SHTF have put together a list of 15 ways to use baking soda in an emergency scenario where other ingredients and items aren’t available. One thing they did leave off the list, is that if you heat your baking soda over or under low heat until the texture changes it becomes washing soda that can be used in a number of homemade soap and cleaner recipes. To see their list, continue below

15 Uses for Baking Soda Every Prepper Should Know

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