Warning: Another Scam at the Pump

Warning: Another Scam at the Pump

 Warning: A New Scam at the Pump

Photo: cartuningcentral

The article linked below details the latest scam to take your money and what should have been your gas!

We speak a lot about being aware of our surroundings during a SHTF event. Being aware of small details now days in everyday life is a necessity. Sad but true. There is always someone clever enough to think of a way to catch those off guard in any situation to benefit themselves by taking advantage of those overlooked details.

This is just one of the scams out there intended to part you with your money. It is one more detail to watch for. But the true warning is always completely observant of your surroundings whether there is a particular event or just a simple task you have done hundreds of times without thought or incident.

Here’s how you can spot the latest gas scam | FOX43 Finds Out


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