What We Can Learn From the Old Homestead

What We Can Learn From the Old Homestead

 What We Can Learn From the Old Homestead

Photo: Stephanie Dayle

Author of the featured article Stephanie Dayle writes about her family’s old homestead and the way of life from the past that is becoming a chosen lifestyle once again. We all long for a simpler time and way of life. Although the actual homesteaders would be the first to tell you their chosen life path although is more natural it isn’t necessarily simple!

The old homesteading tips that Stephanie recommends applying to today’s homesteads aren’t just doable by homesteaders. They can be applicable to anyone who has even just a small plot of land and the desire to become more independent in today’s uncertain economy.

Continue reading at the link below and see if you can make use of any of the old lessons learned by the homesteaders of the past.

10 Things We Can Learn From Old Homesteads


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