Where to locate what you need if SHTF before you’re ready; Ethical Looters Checklist

Where to locate what you need if SHTF before you’re ready

Ethical Looters Checklist

Where to locate what you need if SHTF before you're ready

Photo: offgridwebcom

Maybe you’re just beginning to prepare for the future or perhaps you’re a long-term prepper and at the time of the SHTF event you lose your preparations. Perhaps due to the actual event. Either way once the event has occurred you still need those supplies in order to continue to live.

So where do you get them and exactly for the newcomer what supplies are most urgent. We have the opinion of the Before it’s News site on what you should look for and perhaps where you might find it linked below

Where To Find What You Need If Society Collapses Before You’re Ready


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