Which Trees You Should Have in Your Yard & Which Ones You Should Avoid

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Which Trees You Should Have in Your Yard & Which Ones You Should Avoid

 Which Trees You Should Have in Your Yard & Which Ones You Should Avoid

Photo: ro_wikipedia_org&resources4rethinking_ca

Until it’s time to go to the nursery and pick up out your seedling, planting a tree doesn’t sound like such a big deal. Once you get there and the nursery staff begins telling you about all the different trees that are appropriate for your climate you realize there is more to planting a tree than meets the eye and you need to do some research before making that choice.

When you plant a tree you could be making a long term commitment! Different trees have different needs and provide different challenges and benefits. You may also have to consider the rules of your particular HOA if you have one. Some HOA’s ban the planting of some trees altogether, some have limits on the number and what was the case with my last HOA once planted it can not be removed other than by a skilled arborist whose professional opinion is that the tree is deceased. Even if the roots are destroying property etc.

To help you make the right choice before planting see the featured articles below for what is and isn’t recommended and why

13 Trees You Should Never Plant In Your Yard

13 Trees You SHOULD Start Growing In Your Yard And Why

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