10 Tips to Stay Prepared While You Move

10 Tips to Stay Prepared While You Move

10 Tips to Stay Prepared While You Move

Photo: prossersmovingcom

Moving from one location to another is always a chaotic time. Especially if you are moving yourself. I know the majority of my own moves have included a point of just randomly throwing things in box just to finish the job! I start out all organized with neatly labeled boxes and the attempt to empty the rooms one at a time. But then you realize that you need this and that to stay a day or two longer while you are packing up and that the items in your home refuse to fit neatly in the boxes. So soon you have boxes labeled Kitchen/Bathroom etc… from there it is down hill for me!

So what happens if the SHTF while you or I are in the middle of a move? How do you remain prepared when you can’t even find the toilet paper? More Than Just Surviving gives us 10 tips that could help. See them linked below

10 Tips for Staying Prepared While You Move

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