60 Authentic Frontier Recipes

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60 Authentic Frontier Recipes

60 Authentic Frontier Recipes

Photo from: pinterest.com

“These times we had nothing to waste; we had to make things last as long as we could” A quote from a pioneer woman who once cooked on the prairies of the old west. She lived the experience of what many people see a post SHTF world to be like.

I think actually that when things go bad at first the world will be much worse than frontier days. The destruction and actions of those that are unable to express themselves or cope with upset, rage, or what they deem to be unfair and those that are desperate because they either didn’t prep or they lost their preps will be of primary danger and concern. Then as things settle we will move up to times in which these pioneer and frontier recipes and methods will be of use to those who survive the initial backlash or were able to stay out of the fray. Ingredients are staples and what can be sustained by old methods.

Learn them, know the ingredients and methods of cooking them… you may some day even in normal times when times are very tight be glad you did! Continue at the featured link below to see them all!

OLD WEST COOKIN’:60 Authentic Frontier Recipes – The “Real” Old Stuff From The Old West


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