Why Some People Shy Away From the Preppers & Prepping

Why Some People Shy Away From the Preppers & Prepping

Why Some People Shy Away From the Preppers & Prepping

Photo: globe-views-com

The terms “normal” and “prepper” too often aren’t related to each other! Preppers are often seen as the crazies from the series Doomsday Preppers or conspiracy theorists!

I personally feel that the television show Doomsday Preppers did more harm to how the prepper community is seen than anything any conspiracy could have done! They only portrayed the extreme in order to make it good entertainment television. If they had followed the norm and taped a gardener pulling weeds or a person baking their own bread it wouldn’t have had the viewership it did! It would have bored the average person. So instead It makes the word prepping appear to mean a crazed vigilante who not only hopes the world will be come chaotic and lawless, but is waiting impatiently for a time when they can wreak havoc themselves. They speak a lot about being patriotic but seem to want to rush our country into collapse. Who in their right mind would want to join such a movement or community?

The majority of this community are actual sensible, responsible, patriotic, generous people who are simply carrying the idea of insurance back to a level of responsibility of generations past. As a community we not only want to survive but thrive and want others to do so as well. We are insuring our quality of life should the worst case scenario occur. We aren’t counting on a governmental agency to come to our rescue in a natural disaster. Rather we choose to rely on ourselves and each other to make it through whatever may befall us and realize those agencies only have so many resources and that putting together a response from outside the effected area takes time. Resources and time we might not have to save ourselves.

The Survival Mom tells us about other perceptions that can cause our community to be perceived as negative. See them linked below and then hopefully as a group we can help change that even if it is only one person at a time.

5 Reasons Why Normal People Shy Away From the Prepper World

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