18 Homemade Meal Mixes That Should Be In Your Pantry

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18 Homemade Meal Mixes That Should Be In Your Pantry

Photo: homesteadandsurvival

Many cook using mixes adding a bit of this and that to make it their own. Not everyone begins as a scratch cook, nor should they be. Scratch cooking is time consuming. Many of those who are the primary cooks at home also have full time jobs and find using mixes and other time saving methods a true benefit.

The problem with those mixes is that they often contain artificial colors and preservatives that we can’t even pronounce! What about making up those mixes yourself? You would still have them for those days when you’re rushed and seeking an old favorite, but you would have  made them yourself so you know just what you are putting into your food. Never mind that you would be able to continue to use those favorite mixes at a lower cost and if/when a time comes when you can’t just run off to the grocer and pick up what ever ingredients you desire.

See how to make those mixes yourself at the featured link below from Homestead and Survival

18 Mixes That Should Be In Your Pantry


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