30 Bugs You Can Eat For Survival

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30 Bugs You Can Eat For Survival

30 Bugs You Can Eat For Survival

Photo: theguardiancom

I know humans need protein to survive, I am a picky meat eater, but I do eat meat. However, the idea of eating bugs if there is anything else to eat is out of my personal comfort range. There are a lot of cultures that eat bugs on a regular basis. Often times they contain more protein than do what most of us consider normal other meat sources.

Even those that are vegetarians or vegans must  have protein in their diets and with all the choices available in today’s normal world they are able to obtain protein sources abundantly enough to forgo meat eating. This may not be the case for any of us in a serious SHTF scenario.

If it comes to a survival situation what bugs are edible? The admin of My Family Survival Plan tells us not just which ones we can eat in a survival situation but assures us that once we let go of our cultural or personal prejudice regarding eating bugs, we might find them delicious. See the featured link below

Eating Bugs To Survive: 30 Bugs You Can Eat When SHTF

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