40+ Edible Flowers and How to Use Them

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40+ Edible Flowers and How to Use Them

40+ Edible Flowers and How to Use Them

Photo: freecreatives.com

Food security is always a concern, or it should be even in times of prosperity. Knowing what around you that is edible is always important as tomorrow can never be for told. What today is a novel edible garnish could be tomorrow’s best source of nutrition.

Edible flowers are a good way to begin a less random method of foraging. If you plant your landscape with edibles that aren’t obviously a food source can be a smart way of providing for yourself while still staying on the good side of your HOA and without peaking your neighbor’s curiosity.  Today you can enjoy the view and if hard times come then you can actually eat it!

For info on 40 plus edible flowers and how to use them, see the featured link below

 40+ Edible Flowers (and How to Use Them)

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