It Is Said The Ark Was Built Before The Rain Came

It Is Said The Ark Was Built Before The Rain Came

The Ark Was Built Before The Rain Came

Graphic by Ruthie Dean

Religious or not we all take some things on faith as many believe Noah did when he built the ark. Without even thinking about it we assume tomorrow the sun will rise and tomorrow night it will set again. No one doubts that there will be mega storms or other natural catastrophes around the world. What we don’t know is where or when. Preparing for disaster is only wise, no one of us can prepare for everything that could befall us nor would we want to. Every time you put your foot outside your door you take the chance of a tree falling on your head or being hit by a car. But you don’t go out wearing joisting armor! However, for things that we know are going to eventually come like natural disasters there are lesser extreme preparations we can take. The featured article speaks to prepping before the rain falls. To read more continue at the link below

18+ Things You Can Do Right Now Before SHTF Hits!


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