A Simple Guide to Raising Goats

A Simple Guide to Raising Goats

photo: george herald

In a SHTF situation goats will be a valuable asset to have for the milk and meat. Goats can be an alternative to cows, they are smaller and eat a lot less! So will be a bit easier for urban homesteaders to keep.

Sometimes goats can be forgotten by the preparedness circles. The milk is different and the meat isn’t beef. Only beef tastes like real beef. But realistically if the SHTF the majority of us are not equipped to begin nor maintain a dairy. In some areas you may not even know someone who can raise cattle. But in some areas goats are legal even within the city limits. Do check your zoning and the legalities of your particular location before stepping into the goat arena. But if you find they could be a good alternative to you, they aren’t as difficult to raise and care for as you might think. However, don’t think you can just turn them lose on your backyard either!

For some excellent information on raising and using goat products continue at the featured link below

A Simple Guide to Raising & Milking Goats 


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