Choosing a Wood Burning Stove

Choosing a Wood Burning Stove

Choosing a Wood Burning Stove

Photo from ctsweep

There are a lot of things to consider when you decide to purchase or build a wood burning stove. Where you’re going to install it, what its primary purpose will be… heating or cooking? What kind of wood or fuel will be your primary source? How much smoke will be produced and what are the local laws on when and how often you can use it? What type of material should it be made from to last and work as expected? There are a long list of things to decide when making this decision.

The link itself refers to being off grid, however the factors involved are the same even if your location isn’t fully off grid and you’re seeking an alternative source of heat for your home or bug out location. For help with those choices and things to consider when making those choices get some information at the following link.

How To Choose A Stove For Your Off-Grid House

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