Creepy Caterpillar Creating Chaos

Creepy Caterpillar Creating Chaos

asp caterpiller

Photo by Admin Only Pictures

This creepy crawly little critter known as the Asp or Puss Caterpillar caused chaos in Texas emergency rooms in previous years. They fall from trees, bushes and even buildings leaving their victims no doubt that they have encountered the critter. Their sting is said to inflict pain a hundred times worse than any wasp.

It’s not just the pain that has central Texans heading for the ER after their encounters with the caterpillar. This particular venom can make you very ill. Reactions can be severe enough to cause vomiting, convulsions, a drop in blood pressure and even break down red blood cells so blood does not clot. The sting can remain painful and irritating for weeks after the encounter.

The Asps appearance is misleading which can put people directly in its path. It looks like a small fluffy furry creature often called a cute little “tribble” . Leading persons who come upon it not to realize how dangerous and painful it can be and tempting for children to pickup to pet or explore by touch.

Should you be stung head for your nearest medical facility for professional treatment if available, however the linked information below can provide a measure of relief while you seek medical attention. In some cases it can reduce the long term reaction to the venom,

Puss Caterpillar Stings; First Aid Measures

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