DIY Cheese Waxing

DIY Cheese Waxing

 DIY Cheese Waxing

Photo: Wardee Harmon

DIY cheese waxing sounds like a really bizarre process, doesn’t it?!? But once the cheese is incased in the wax it can store for years without getting moldy. Personally, a world without cheese to me is a personal SHTF scenario. I love cheese on or in just about everything.

Not only does it taste good, but it’s an excellent source of calcium which is particularly important for women as they age. Women require more calcium than do men to remain healthy.

Cheese is one of the foods the FDA doesn’t recommend for canning and in a SHTF situation we can assume that freezing fresh cheese won’t be an option. Cheese actually does freeze well but it does change the texture and crumbles extremely easily after freezing. If stored in wax the cheese continues to age but retains its texture and nutritional values without spoiling and molding. The process is much easier than you might think. See how it’s done and what you need to store cheese long term by waxing at the link below

How to Wax CheeseTPP

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