Easy to Grow Medicinal Plants

Easy to Grow Medicinal Plants

Photo: gardenworld-in

If there is a major SHTF event there will be a problem accessing medical care. We see this in Venezuela since their economic collapse and we have seen it in the past in war torn countries. We have also seen this issue in shorter term natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina. So we know there can be a period of time when we are on our own for medical treatment. These facts make it only wise that we learn to grow and how to use medicinal plants.

Never use any home remedy without first checking with your primary physician nor without full knowledge of it’s side effects and interaction with other medications you might use. Home grown medicine is just as potent and powerful as that made in a lab. These remedies are for use when certified medical professionals are unavailable.

You may find your doctor is more open to their use and can give you additional information than you might think. I personally use Echinacea often with my doctors approval.

See how to grow and use 4 easy to care for medicinal plants from Care2 at the featured link below

4 Easy-to-Grow Medicinal Plants


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 Easy to Grow Medicinal Plants