How to DIY Kick Proof Your Doors With Door Armor

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How to DIY Kick Proof Your Doors With Door Armor

 How to DIY Kick Proof Your Doors With Door Armor

Photo: Scott Strissel WordPress

Doors are intended to be the protected entry into our homes, offices, or safe havens. Yet they are often the weakest point in our structure! They should be as intended for us to enter and leave and to allow those we choose to enter access to our inner sanctum keeping everyone else at bay. Instead they are gaps in our security that are easily breached with a simple well aimed good kick of anyone who desires to enter without our invitation. Unless you can and are willing to stand guard at your door 24/7 this location needs to be a security measure that you can trust to do guard duty for you!

Armor Concepts has come up with a product that will do this additional guard duty for us. Making our doors no longer the weak point in our havens. Relatively inexpensive, easy to self install and usable on interior and exterior doors. Below is a video on how to armor your own doors.
** Update: I did this on my own backdoor which was less secure then I wanted and it was very easy to do. I have not tried of course to kick my own door in, but I rest easy now that it is no longer a weak point in my personal security.

To see prices, options, customer reviews and do your own comparison, see the link below

Door Armor

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