Lose yourself in the crowd using the filter called the reticular activating system (RAS)

Lose yourself in the crowd using the filter called the reticular activating system (RAS)

Lose yourself in the crowd using the filter called the reticular activating system (RAS)

Photos: offexploring.com

The reticular activating system (RAS) for prepping purposes is a scientific method of going grey when disaster strikes. You can look at the gentlemen pictured above and know you will remember the man dressed in red. The RAS system is about understanding why he would remain in your memory longer than the gent dressed in the muted colors. It’s more than just the color of his suit however when you really don’t want to activate anyone’s memory of you. Humans have a number of senses that are brought into play every second of every day without being consciously aware of it.

Using those subconscious cues to become grey in the best possible way is detailed in our featured link below

Lose Yourself: 3 Things to Remember About Blending in as a Gray Man


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