Natural Antibiotics that Destroy (non-COVID) Super Bugs

Natural Antibiotics that Destroy (non-COVID) Super Bugs

natural antibiotics

photo from royal society of chemistry

After a major event there will be injuries and with the poor conditions that are likely to exist after word very like many of those injuries will become infected. Super bugs like MRSA will have an open breeding ground. Without appropriate medical care and pharmaceuticals readily available enter the natural antibiotics some I actually would recommend for use now in normal times as preventatives like Echinacea. I myself began taking it at the first sign of the respiratory infection that landed me in the hospital annually and it has been 5 years since they have had the pleasure of my company! Others are very strong and should only be used when you are certain the patient requires a strong antibiotic. To find out which herbs and plants work for which problems and infections continue at the link below

 The 5 best natural antibiotics and anti-virals that destroy superbugs and just about everything else


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