Predict Weather, Detect Drones and More with SDR-RTL and NooElec

Predict Weather, Detect Drones and More with SDR-RTL and NooElec

Predict Weather, Detect Drones and More with SDR-RTL and NooElec


As the world’s technology broadens and update it can be harder to stay on top of what is happening around you. Does that neighbor who appears just a bit nosey actually have a drone surveying the neighborhood? Where did that drone you saw over your property yesterday come from, who was controlling it and why? Was that weather prediction you heard this morning accurate to your particular area? Should you be taking cover and when?

Most of those answers we need to rely on official sources for, but are they accurate or are they even aware of whose drone is doing what? I have few issues depending upon the weather man where I reside. But as far as drones, helicopters and even planes it’s another story. Especially drones… too often authorities aren’t even aware of them unless they are around areas of national security. I don’t expect that national security professionals are going to worry about who is watching me or why! During or after an event it could even be their drone!

But you can now monitor these items and more using your computer and  SDR-RTL and NooElec. See how at the featured link below from The Tin Hat Ranch

How To Detect Drones, Predict Weather, and MORE with SDR-RTL and NooElec


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