Preppernomics -Emergency Fund

Preppernomics -Emergency Fund

Preppernomics -Emergency Fund


Everyone has heard the rule that a minimum of 3 months of expenses should be set aside as an emergency fund. This is only wise. If you happen to be a prepper or anyone who is concerned with the chaos of the world today and wants to be prepared. The rule tends to be one is none and two is one. Preppernomics!

Our featured article in this post is a combination of both types of emergency funds. We know we live in a world where currency is going to be important for some time into the future. Even for some months after an economic crash/melt down. If you don’t have the financial ability to fill life saving prescriptions, make the mortgage payment, obtain necessary medical care, make a vehicle payment, purchase a tank or two of gas etc… After a major SHTF all your other preparations could be of little value or use to you. If you have lost your hunker down/bug in location or can’t get to your bug out location they don’t do you much good. If you have those funds during the time that they are still of value you can preserve the structure of your survival plans.

On the other hand, having too much invested in cash could leave you paper wealthy and survival poor. Eventually after a collapse of any kind there comes a time when legal tender isn’t that valuable. More valuable than gold would be the ability to drink clean water, eat healthy, and protect yourself and family.

Finding that balance is preppernomics. Help on setting those priorities and how to save enough cash to do so is available from Self-Sustained at the featured link below

Preppernomics: The Importance of an Emergency Fund

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