Is Prepping Paranoia?

Is Prepping Paranoia?

Prepping Paranoia?

Photo from knowledge weighs nothing

Are preppers paranoid? Does preparing equal paranoia? The quick answer of course is yes. We prepare for a crisis that has not yet happened. We tend to be a bit secretive and a bit more concerned with the motives of others than does the average non prepper.

However, I have had the blessing of having lived in, worked in and traveled through various states and countries. During my travels I have experienced tornados, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, floods, blizzards, anti-American protests and even terrorist attack. I learned after the first experience that mother nature was not discriminating and what it felt like to be helpless after a disaster. It is a feeling I choose not to repeat. During the other crisis events I was prepared and came through without issue. Paranoia or smart?

I personally think you can take anything even a good thing too far and believe in living for today while preparing for tomorrow. If you are fearful it just maybe paranoia but if you are prepared rather than scared, in my humble opinion that is only smart. What would make you or I any better or more blessed than the brother or sister miles away who has just had their home and city destroyed by a disaster? To me that is presumptuous.

If you don’t trust the elected officials to be honest with the public, you need only look at the last few years to see that isn’t so paranoid after all. Now if you think they are after you personally you might want to check yourself for either a reason or a bit of paranoia. I truthfully worry more about them dropping the ball when giving us advance warnings of what is headed our way. We’ve all seen the news coverage of folks trying to evacuate their homes while driving through walls of flames on either side of them and the reactions of the Hawaiian people when their incoming nuclear warning system was inadvertently set off. Neither is a good look for building trust in these systems to provide timely warnings. I choose not to be one of the hordes trying to get out at the last moment or fighting my way through the local grocery store attempting to get supplies for whatever is about to befall us. I consider this being prepared not paranoid but there are those that of course disagree.

Now I admit there are some things I am paranoid about. The Covid 19  pandemic being one of them. In the early days a friend of mine who was in good health and in good shape caught it. So I knew it was not a hoax. We all thought he was going to die and he dang near did.  I would show you his pictures before and after to prove my point of the damage it did to him but I so not have his consent to do so.  Nor would I want to make light of his personal difficulties. As I have personal health issues regarding my heart and lungs, I am overly cautious when it comes to this illness. I am still extremely careful of exposure and may always have to be.

So is prepping paranoid, yes it is but in the smartest possible way!

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