Protect yourself from coronavirus

Protect yourself from coronavirus

Protect yourself from coronavirus

Photo: CNN

I know it seems to me that every year or two there is a new deadly virus to worry about. It might be easy to begin to blow off the doom and gloom of these viruses. After all we aren’t all dead of Ebola right? Now that is one terrifying virus! Had the whole world concerned and taking precautions.

But no matter how many times we hear this virus or that virus is deadly and spreading, we must exercise the same caution. Perhaps the reason that  we haven’t had a recent pandemic outbreak of these viruses is because we do our due diligence and take precautions to prevent infection and the spread of said viruses. What could happen if we didn’t? The results could be disastrous.

The first case of this coronavirus in the United states happens to be near my home. Not a comforting feeling. It came in from China via our airport and has been confirmed. This airport is an international, a hub of travel possibly exposing other travelers to other destinations and employs thousands of folks who may have come into contact with that unaware sick passenger. Sadly it only takes one. One person to unknowingly spread a killer virus and then it’s not a matter of ho hum just part of another news cycle, but a very personal disaster for one or many of us.

Know how to protect yourself. The featured link below gives advice on doing so from CNN.

The deadly new coronavirus has reached the US. Here’s how to protect yourself



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