Recognize, Prevent, and Treat Radiation Sickness

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Recognize, Prevent, and Treat Radiation Sickness

 Recognize, Prevent, and Treat Radiation Sickness


Radiation sickness is one of my own personal biggest fears when it comes to nuclear war. To be perfectly frank, if I am in the strike zone the end will come quickly even if not instantly. But being far enough from the blast to survive it but close enough to experience the fall out could mean suffering not just for myself but for those I love and care about and that frightens me more than death.

How fall out will effect you, those around you, or those that you may come into contact with after the event will vary by the strength of the blast it’s self, the distance you or they are from the blast, and where you happen to be located within your zone at the time of exposure. This can mean varying degrees of sickness. It’s imperative therefore that you are aware of what stage you are dealing with, how to prevent radiation sickness if you can and treating the aftermath if you are unable to prevent.

See that information and more from Doctor Alton and Nurse Amy at Doom and Bloom at the featured link below

Radiation Sickness


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